How do I set up SMTP authentication in Mozilla Thunderbird V.1? Print

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Follow the steps below to configure Thunderbird to use SMTP Authentication.

  • From the top menu, click on "Tools," select "Account Settings," this will bring up the "Account Settings" Dialogue box
  • Select "Outgoing Server (SMTP)"
  • Click "Advanced," this will bring up the "Advanced Outgoing Server (SMTP) Settings" Dialogue box
  • Select the SMTP server you want to configure, click "Edit," this will bring up the "SMTP Server" Dialogue box
  • Check "Use name and password"
  • Enter your full email address in the "User name" field
  • Click "OK" and close all Dialogue boxes

The first time you retrieve email, you will be prompted for the password. You can choose to let Thunderbird remember your password.

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